My baby is 6 months and she still Don’t Fully turns, she turns side ways and that’s it. My husband was the one that took her to her 6 month checked up. doctor mentioned that she should been turning already and that she might need Early intervention because Of this. This is stressing me out!!! I do tummy time and she Hates it! She cries hysterically! Has any Momma experience this.
3.8 года

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My daughter didn't turn or sit up until much later. She walked, talked, and held her head up late and had lots of health problems but is normal now at 4. Early intervention is not a bad thing. Use it while needed and just pray over her. Be kind to yourself and take it a day at a time. Let her scream during tummy time a little, it won't hurt her, I'd she is normal then it will just give her more motivation to get moving with a little muscle building. Hugs to you both!

3.8 года Нравится Ответить



My daughter didn't turn or sit up until much later. She walked, talked, and held her head up late and had lots of health problems but is normal now at 4. Early intervention is not a bad thing. Use it while needed and just pray over her. Be kind to yourself and take it a day at a time. Let her scream during tummy time a little, it won't hurt her, I'd she is normal then it will just give her more motivation to get moving with a little muscle building. Hugs to you both!

3.8 года Нравится Ответить