So my 2yo is delaying bedtime with the usual "biscuit, drink, wee, poopoo, story..." anything to not have to sleep. But tonight was a new one, full on half hour battle with him screaming "GHOSTS". Hes got this from an episode of paw patrol where you DONT see any ghosts its just mice moving things. I dont think he will understand the concept of them not being real (personally I don't believe in them so I dont want to say things like this teddy will keep the ghosts away)
3.8 года

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I always pop a light on and show hamish no monsters or ghosts then turn it off again he always settled quickly he never asked much about ghosts after that

3.8 года Нравится Ответить



Luckily last night he only mentioned it once, I think the thunderstorms have put him on edge too

3.8 года Нравится Ответить

I always pop a light on and show hamish no monsters or ghosts then turn it off again he always settled quickly he never asked much about ghosts after that

3.8 года Нравится Ответить

Just try and watch that episode with him again and reassure him when its happening. Keepnreassuring him that they are just mice and the paw patrol was just beeing silly thinking they were ghosts. Talk and talk about it. The best think to do is to talk no to ignore it etc. Xxx

3.8 года Нравится Ответить