Mom Generations
We got OUTSIDE today! No snow. No rain. No wind. In a small way, it just felt like normal life for a moment. Victoria’s been dying to scoot up and down the street. It’s the moments like this now that I’m cherishing. Simple. Easy. Fun. .
We’ve become little besties over the last month. It’s tough having her watch her for brothers who all have each other. I guess we were on the right track having them all a year apart! But she doesn’t have anyone at home to play with, so it’s just been the two of us! I’m cherishing the time right now because I’m hoping she’ll remember these moments that meant so much to her.
We even dressed up a bit to get outside! I’ve been living in joggers and oversize tees, but today I took out the jeans and my favorite @cabiclothing Kenya Jacket. I just needed to feel like my “old self” again! I don’t know if it’s actually warm enough for shorts today, but Victoria didn’t care! .
#gifted #partner #cabi #cabiclothing #spring #springtime #style #momstyle #fashion #momfashion #fashionover40 #styleover40 #springtrends #springfashion #rhodeisland
4 года

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