My son is 1 week old and has bad reflux. We try our best to almost never lay him flat, when we do it’s instant spit up ( the amount depending on how long ago he was fed)
He is a great nurser! I have a great milk supply but
I just went through the engorgement period and now that the painful engorgement period is over it seems my let down is really fast and strong.
He is gulping a lot when he drinks which is leading to coughing and gagging. He pulls off my breast and milk will still be steadily coming out .
Does my milk supply fix itself ?? How can I make BF easier on LO so he is not gagging/ spitting up so often ??
Also different question.. i notice I have been cramping and bleeding more now that my engorgement is over and when I am done nursing I’ll pass gush/ clot
I had this same thing with my second daughter and was so afraid she had the GERD like her sister. As it turned out we just needed a little time for her to grow and for my milk to adjust to her needs. Once I started burping her in the middle of feeds, actually stopping her while she was eating and burping then resuming, she did much better. You are both learning together. Congratulations and best of wishes!!!
For the second question yes it is normal to cramp when breastfeeding and pass small clots or have a gush during feeding or right after. Breastfeeding will release hormones that will help shrink your uterus down to normal size. It should stop after the first month or so I believe
Get a hakaa, I used it to catch the extra off one side when I nursed and also if I unlatched right before let down to our it in the nursing side it catches a lot of the more forceful milk. Does that make sense? Yes I had two. There extra are could be making him more reflux too. Have you tried watching your diet? Found it dairy made both my boys reflux wise until they were bigger.
Can you feel your let down coming from your breasts?
I always had to pull my daughter from my breast right before the let down and make it come out then re attach her... Or she'd choke because it was coming out too fast. Especially in the beginning of our breastfeeding journey.
I also recommend a baby carrier for babies with reflux or colic.