Would you consider the 20 week anatomy scan medically necessary? Mine is scheduled for 2 hours from now and my sister has messaged me getting me all paranoid on if it's worth the risk to go.

There's only been one confirmed case in our county so far, but who really knows.

My scan isn't at a hospital, it's more in it's own separate building and I would think of it was too risky they would have cancelled it, right?

I just going to shower before, take my hand sanitizer and shower when I get home I guess.

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For an anatomy scan I would go. They measure and look for a lot of things during it
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
No it’s your choice and it can cause more anxiety than anything so it’s whatever you wanna do you can always do a normal scan later and nothing is always accurate and it’s also for genetic testing in most cases for analysts even I received a pamphlet when I was told of it by my maternity doctors ссылка
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
I mean theres PLENTY of people who don't have any visits or ultrasounds AT ALL during pregnancy but I'd still go. They look at important stuff and as someone else said everything rn is a risk
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
To me if your dr hasnt canceled it then it important. Alot of them are canceling apts if they feel like it's okay to reschedule.
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
I think the 20 week is important because it's more than just anatomy. Its checking the baby out for defects. My OB isnt canceling dating, 12 week or 20 week because they are all pretty important appointments
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
With the virus caution, everything right now seems like a risk even picking up your mail can be a risk. Take the precautions and you will be fine ♥️♥️♥️
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
I wouldn't skip it. There's too many important things they look at. It's not like they're just looking at the gender. They're checking for any defects in important organs, your placenta, cervix. Everything basically.
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
I personally find it necessary because they will be looking at every detail of the baby. Things that could be missed on regular scans, If I skipped it i would be more paranoid if my baby is developing ok. If something is out of the ordinary they could be prepared and with my last an anatomy scan they noticed my partial placenta previa. Very worth it.
23.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
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