This is my post all backed by research and reading please be aware of the trouble y’all may cause other buy mass buying and spreading false statements about this out break don’t believe me pull a book up and look it up all my words are facts and to the moms with sick baby’s or elderly people who are sick may god be with us cause we living in a time of ignorance and illiteracy and it’s sad
So it mutated from a bat but isn't from a bat? 🤔 that doesnt make sense. Coronaviruses have been identified since the 60s and are named because of their structures. There are currently 7 that infect humans. The newest one, Covid-19 isn't in medical books and isn't taught in "professional settings". Its a newly discovered strain and not much is known about how it affects people, long lasting effects, or ways to prevent it outside of hygiene.
So before you start to "school" us on a virus that nobody really knows anything about, please check your facts. We have all reached the understanding that this virus is serious and affecting a lot of people. We dont know a lot about it and it is scary!
If you're going to make a post like this and claim it's all backed by research and reading, list your sources because I don't believe most of what you said due to no sources. 🤷🏻♀️
Girl I was pissed 😤 I don’t think people making jokes about the weakened immune community’s are funny my children are not a joke and it’s not funny and yes I was typing hella fast and no I didn’t apply punctuation cause at that time I was seeing red honestly
I tagged the link to a ware others their consistently going live with broadcast information ℹ️ that’s all not saying anything else and yes this is my like in ILLNOIS at this moment
@xxoceanbabexx, but if you have something other then what I have and would like me to review it please leave information in my inbox I’ll look I’m not to proud to review other information outside of my own honestly
And again if in fact something is spelled wrong keep in mind I was very upset while typing and I can use grammar correctly and if it’s a spell check it happens no one can do this after seeing and hearing what I herd I’m not perfect
If you're going to make a post like this and claim it's all backed by research and reading, list your sources because I don't believe most of what you said due to no sources. 🤷🏻♀️
I feel bad that things got really bad in China. I heard that when people have exotic animals people think highly of them over there like they must have had a lot of money to afford buying them or cooking exotic meat. The government was arresting people and closing down restaurants and shops selling exotic meat last month. The bad thing is there are people that will still do it. I just hope we don’t get a zombie virus or something next lol. I hope people won’t eat these animals that will have like some mutated rabies or something because that would really suck lol.
It’s crazy how fast it happened. When I looked at the news and saw it was spreading like crazy in Wuhan I was like oh s*** this is out of control. I knew it was gonna spread everywhere fast. It’s a shame that it couldn’t be contained like Ebola. Over here they kept saying that it’s nothing to worry about that it will be contained but I see how fast this virus is going. 😱
My point exactly but the virus is a cold honestly just with the new bacteria 🧫 it’s gotten worse which is what is raising the alarm 🚨 but I feel the same as you honestly
Some people claim that it was a Laboratory in Wuhan that started the virus. Anything is possible but the market definitely shouldn’t have mixed animals with live animals. That is very unhygienic and the feces could fall on or next to other meat that could be raw. Let’s say that if it was from the government in China that did it then maybe they did it to stop all of the protesting and riots that were going on. At this point I think instead of us thinking how it started now we have to figure out if we will all get it at some point will we be ok after and what are the long term effects. I read an article yesterday that said some of the first batch of people that had the virus in Wuhan who survived it and are ok have about 20 to 30 percent lung damage. If that’s true that’s scary and they didn’t specify if it was the elderly in the article.
What about the bat soup I saw pictures and videos of all over online that happened in Wuhan? How does one explain those pictures? People around the world will find things that will be considered a delicacy and exotic to try while other people will frown about it. Things that are considered taboo people get curious about. In Africa people were eating monkey brains years ago and people got really sick from it and died. I believe that not everything in this world should be edible. Here in the U.S. some people find buffalo testicles a delicacy. I wouldn’t try any of that stuff lol but the problem is sometimes eating certain things that shouldn’t be eaten could get people really sick. Wether it is considered exotic or if people do it for survival. I don’t agree with it but I can’t tell people what to do or control what they eat. I just hope we don’t get anything worse than this in the future but viruses are always coming and going. Viruses sometimes mutate and get very complex. Let’s just say thank god we don’t have it bad like how the bubonic plague was then we would get boils all over our body.
@xxoceanbabexx, that’s very true but me being a cna and my mom being a nurse and the information their giving us is also another reason I feel this way again this was not to spread anger but this was a vent cause of something someone said about sick children and it pissed me off so I was typing so fast and I wish I could have shared the link but it would not allow me to but again this is not a reason for any one on my post to post rude comments or say disrespectful things pertaining to my education and it’s not cool when every one is in tittle to their own self formed opinion and I’m glad to take a look at what ever is provided for me threw opinions of other never to proud of help if I’m wrong first and for most thanks for saying what you had to say minus the ignorance it’s greatly appreciated honestly
@xxoceanbabexx, yeah cause our gov is a joke at this moment and that’s true I have breathing issues already and so do my oldest and people wanna make music videos and memes like it’s funny when it’s clearly not it’s a dangerous situation for some of us and how I type of spell or spell check means nothing if people payed attention to the message ijs
If my post offend anyone please remove your self this is my post and my personal facts have been check all in tittle to their own point and I’m not arguing with anyone sorry
Just to be clear for you I’m a slow down and retype it
Corona virus =common cold in medical books
Covid 19 new strain of the virus 🦠 in which became active in wahun animal market about human animal transmission in which one individual who was indeed sick came across facial matter or blood of a bat and dident seek medical help and pass it in unknowingly
Both are cold virus one is just stronger then other and is cause pneumonia symptoms in severely immune compromised individuals and elderly
Sorry if I typed to fast for you to understand what I was saying
@love_linds, this is from cdc live broad cast type it in the links will come up but due to this form not being a option in the share box I cannot share them I apologize for that but all facts are from live cdc broadcast
@cilla28, you can share YouTube links on here. I’d just like to read & watch the specific things you are on YouTube so I can figure out where you finding your ‘well researched facts’. I like to be informed & I feel like you’re kind of beating around the bush, so to say, instead of sharing the link to where exactly you read what you’re preaching.
So it mutated from a bat but isn't from a bat? 🤔 that doesnt make sense. Coronaviruses have been identified since the 60s and are named because of their structures. There are currently 7 that infect humans. The newest one, Covid-19 isn't in medical books and isn't taught in "professional settings". Its a newly discovered strain and not much is known about how it affects people, long lasting effects, or ways to prevent it outside of hygiene.
So before you start to "school" us on a virus that nobody really knows anything about, please check your facts. We have all reached the understanding that this virus is serious and affecting a lot of people. We dont know a lot about it and it is scary!
@cilla28 there's actually evidence that it is 2 strains going around: L strain and S strain.
Also, I'm not your "love", I do read extensively, medical knowledge is forever changing and evolving based on new discoveries, and no one knows what's really going on.
@jakjakattack, look at the recent cdc virus control sr Vice President in Canada cdc she is working with a live strain now sorry yet again and if your so offend by a conversation I’m having with others your free to leave my post other wise behave accordingly thanks love
@ekko, like ????? The tissue or the other items because this is real these are facts and this is a debate in which you are a friend and if need be you can actually inbox me cause we have a Individual on this post looking to insite drama and I’m not sure if it’s a man or woman so this is a debate we can privately continue if you like
That’s what I was saying but the world is using false information like it’s golden and it clearly says in all medical book covid 19 is a cold that’s been around but last year a sick worker came in contact with a bag which cause a new strand to form people just look for anything to blame instead of do as should be done naturally ijs
Media does that. Then you have these crazy conspiracy theorist 🙄
They already proven that it doesn't affect healthy children and young adults the same. They closed schools because kids will spread it even if they are asymptomatic.
They are trying to protect the elderly and those with compromised immune systems.
Listen to the CDC
Listen the the government
Stay home. Self isolation as much as possible for other people. For your community. You can do it.
That's my Ted talk 😂
@raisinglittlegamers, exactly but I’m my case I have no choice due to medical appointments and nearing my delivery but hey it is what it is at this point my baby’s home safe
My husband works with bats all the time. There's worse diseases to worry about coming from bats.
My husband has a medical card of what to test for IF he gets sick. (He's animal control)
People just need to follow the CDC and their local governments. Look at actual information not just what you read on social media. The social distancing is the best way to help stop the spread. They've already proved it in other countries.
So before you start to "school" us on a virus that nobody really knows anything about, please check your facts. We have all reached the understanding that this virus is serious and affecting a lot of people. We dont know a lot about it and it is scary!