Lacie Marie
I need potty training tips with my 2 year old daughter. She loves her underwear, I literally had to fight her for a pull-up for nap time, she loves flushing the toilet, and sitting there for a few. I’ve been giving her books, coloring, let her watch videos on my phone everything. But she will NOT go on the potty. She is literally holding it until I get her down , and put her underwear back on. Then she will go. Idk how to get her to pee at least once in the potty so I can praise her and show her how good it is. Tips?
4.1 года

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Oh crap potty training book from amazon. I potty trained my son at 27 months and owe all my success to that book!

4.1 года Нравится Ответить



Oh crap potty training book from amazon. I potty trained my son at 27 months and owe all my success to that book!

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

Also following!!

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

@momzillaof4 following because I’m in the same boat. She HATES diapers, will deal with pull-ups, but loves her chonies. She gives alerts that she’s about to tinkle or 💩 but freezes as soon as we’re on the potty

4.1 года Нравится Ответить