jenna tess
Any recommendations?
I’ve been having such a hard time with Faye. She’s been lying non-stop.
Especially with her eating her lunch at school. And then just random stuff.
I’ll pick her up for the day, and I’ll ask her “Did you eat your lunch? All of it?”
She’ll lie straight to my face.
And then with the other random lies at home. Like if she’s cleaned her room or not, if she washed her hands after going potty, and just everythingggg. And it’s like, obviously I’m going to check your hands after you go potty… I can walk right upstairs and check your room to see if you actually cleaned it. I can catch you in your lie within seconds, girlfriend!
I’ve been putting her in time out. She cries and apologizes and when I ask her why she got in trouble, she says “I lied about ____.” But then she’ll go lie about something else a few hours later. So she KNOWS why she’s in trouble.
I’ve taken away TV (except yesterday when we got Frozen 2.), but like today shes already lied twice and the tv will remain off for the rest of the day now.
I’ve taken away treats for the most part. She’s a phenomenal eater (minus at school) so sometimes I’ll give in there. Like on the weekends, especially. She always eats all of her fruit & veggies so I’m usually a pushover at the end of the day for like a chocolate kiss or some ice cream or whatever.
But, still.
Any ideas?
(Spanking is not an option.)
4.1 года

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It’s a new skill that she’s learned and she’s exercising it. She’s not intentionally trying to hurt you. Try not to give her so much attention for the lies and just steer the conversation in another way and praise her for good behavior. When I ask my daughter if she ate her lunch, well that’s a yes or no question, so instead I ask her what foods specifically did she eat and how many bites she took. Or if she ate just a little or a lot. You have to kind of outsmart her to get the answer you want. When you ask her if she washed her hands and she says yes, tell her “well I didn’t hear the water on, maybe you should go try again and use water and soap this time.” These kids are smart, but we Moms have to be smarter!! 💪

4.1 года Нравится Ответить



It’s a new skill that she’s learned and she’s exercising it. She’s not intentionally trying to hurt you. Try not to give her so much attention for the lies and just steer the conversation in another way and praise her for good behavior. When I ask my daughter if she ate her lunch, well that’s a yes or no question, so instead I ask her what foods specifically did she eat and how many bites she took. Or if she ate just a little or a lot. You have to kind of outsmart her to get the answer you want. When you ask her if she washed her hands and she says yes, tell her “well I didn’t hear the water on, maybe you should go try again and use water and soap this time.” These kids are smart, but we Moms have to be smarter!! 💪

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

Thank you so much, this really helps!
I’m so worried about raising good humans, that sometimes I go a little too strong. 😅. I’ll take a more relaxed route.💕

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

It might help to maybe focus on the positive stuff she does. When she does follow through on something, tell her she’s done a great job. Kids live for praise and that may help steer her towards making better choices.

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It's a phase. My daughter just went through this and I honestly picked my battles when it came to the small lies. Things like washing hands, and room cleaning I correct the behavior and scold her. If it's just small fibs I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just continue to take away things. I did that and time out and she eventually stopped. My daughter loves to exaggerated and beef up her stories lol and I usually just say did that really happen or do you wish that happened. If she says it didn't happen I say it's okay to pretend it happened but it's not okay to lie about it.

As far as lunch it may be her social time to really sit down with friends and chat. My daughter also wasn't eating because she was jealous of what the other kids had. I started to let her help me pack and she started eating better

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

You’re totally right, I’m thinking.
When I ask her what she did during lunch, she always says “I talk to my friends”.
So I know it’s less about the actual food items, and I’m thinking more of being a chatty chathy.

Faye also exaggerates her stories! Her teacher and teachers aid always tells me about these “stories” she makes up. Fortunately I’ve never really said anything to her about that… Only the down right lies.
I’ll try more of a passive approach. Hopefully it corrects itself soon.
Thank you!

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