Lacie Marie
Any tips to make the contractions stronger?? I’ve been having them since yesterday, TMI: I’ve lost my bloody show and so much mucus yesterday it’s not even funny. Pain level is at a 5ish when they come, just need them to get more intense before I go in. (39 weeks today)
4.2 года

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Roll your hips in circular motion, squats and jump up & down. I think that was what caused me to start contracting a lot the next day and was already 5 centimeters when I went it. Had baby couple hours later.
Btw I was taking a shower that night.

4.2 года Нравится Ответить



@momzillaof4 try walking, bouncing or roll your hips in a yoga ball, light jumping jacks, eat something spicy. Those are all things I tired. I was at 5cm dilated with my second daughter for over a week and hospital wouldn't keep me until I got to a 7 by myself. It was miserable and I tried everything! Only thing I think that helped was the yoga ball and sex

4.2 года Нравится Ответить

Roll your hips in circular motion, squats and jump up & down. I think that was what caused me to start contracting a lot the next day and was already 5 centimeters when I went it. Had baby couple hours later.
Btw I was taking a shower that night.

4.2 года Нравится Ответить

This might sound gross but my doctor told me to do this last time I was in labor and it worked had my daughter less then 12 hours later.. Have sex and make sure your bf/hubby finish inside you. It will start contractions if your not having any. If you are already having them it will make them stronger.

4.2 года Нравится Ответить

That’s actually what we’ve been doing, it’s not working, I’m Bassicially at a holt, I swear I feel like I’ve tried everything safe

4.2 года Нравится Ответить

You need to just wait it out I walked around at a 3 for over two weeks I’m usually crying by the time I go in but that’s up to you and your pain level

4.2 года Нравится Ответить

I’m usually to the point of crying too, I’m just not there yet. I wish things would speed along!

4.2 года Нравится Ответить

@momzillaof4, god I totally get it mine are early every time so even if you can’t make it I’m sure it will be ok but good luck 🍀

4.2 года Нравится Ответить