Chloe G
Ideas of things for baby boys first birthday please. He already has a tone of toys that he got for Xmas.
4.2 года

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That’s a good idea, we opened an account for him when he was born and he can’t access the money until he’s 18.

4.2 года Нравится Ответить



That’s a good idea, we opened an account for him when he was born and he can’t access the money until he’s 18.

4.2 года Нравится Ответить

Maybe just get a couple small bits. And put the rest of the money into a savers account. That's what I done for my boy and will do the same for next ones 1st bday. Start them an isa account. And all there bday and crimbo money goes into that account. Plus any left over family allowance will get split. Average around £200 a year for them. Be good dent for when they are older

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