Sarah DeCol Tso🐠
20 random FACTS about yourself that may surprise people.

1. Do you make your bed?

2. What's your favorite number?
23 (I really don't know why lol)

3. What's your regular job?

4. If you could, would you go back to school?

5. Can you parallel park?

6. A job you had which would surprise people? Not that surprising but worked at a frozen custard shop. 🍦

7. Do you think aliens are real?
Well duh ha

8. Can you drive a manual!?

9. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Mary-Kate & Ashley movies (Don't judge me! Ha)

10. Tattoos?
None yet but do want a few.

11. Favorite color?

12. Things people do that drive you crazy?
Rudeness, smack their lips while talking,

13. Phobias?

14. Favorite childhood sport?
Football and soccer

15. Do you talk to yourself?
All day every day lol

16. What movie do you adore?
10 Things I Hate About You

17. Do you like doing puzzles?

18. Favorite kind of music you listen to?
A little bit of everything

19. Tea or coffee?

20. The first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up?
Police officer or vet 👮‍♀️🦊

Play along...copy, paste, change answers.
Have fun. ⭐
4.2 года

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