My son refused to go in the toilet and would ask for diapers. Until I started rewarding him with m&ms he was literally potty trained on 3 days. I took him to the toilet every 20 mins.
Its best to potty train when you dont have plans for at least a week. Let them run around naked. We do the potty dance lol and i sing a potty song and it works. I also started with everytime he went pee in the potty he got one gummy bear. Also take him every 30 mins. It does work. It also teaches him what he needs to do when he has that urge to pee.
Like @junesmommy_15, I just ripped those diapers off cold turkey , and put him in underwear, and he hated being wet, I’d take him literally every 15 minutes too, and after many accidents, he eventually got it.
With both of my boys I just started taking off their diapers. They didn't want to be wet. Once you start you can't retract. You have to even if you don't feel like it. Take the child every 15 minutes until they start going longer and so on.