It was a beautiful moment how I found out I was pregnant 🤰 with my last baby I had chick-Fil-A and I couldn’t eat it I thought I was getting sick 😷 so I decided I wanted to Rule out everything so I waited until my babydaddy made it home from work n I told him to come in the bathroom with me I didn’t tell him what we was doing I just told him is he ready for what’s about to happen and he said what u talking about babe and I said you gone see .. then I pulled out that pregnancy test and he was like forreal and I was like there’s a possibility I might be pregnant so I peed in the cup and we waited then it had two lines he was so fuckin happy he was like this baby gone be a boy watch and I went to the doctor the weeks after and they did a blood test and it was a boy 👦🏽 omfg we are so fuckin happy that we are having another boy even tho my first born is not biologically his .. my son is his but this is his first son and I gave it to him we can’t wait to meet you baby boy 👦🏽🤰🤰🤰🤰

Лучший комментарий


awww so this is yalls 2nd baby together?
03.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
Yes ma’am
03.12.2019 Нравится Ответить
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