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My belly ever since I had my second daughter who is now 16 months old is just so wierd it's all wrinkly and horrible has any one else experienced this, when I got signed off from the midwife she told me that I needed to go to physio cas my something had not gone down, when mentioned to the docter he said no you don't need that, also that bit in the middle of my belly that sticks out when I breath in is what I used to have when I was pregnant, want my belly back and my belly button still pokes out

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Nothing wrong with it!, but if you do desperately want rid, I heard exercise helps:-) xx
28.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
That's fine it's not like I get my belly out but I would still like it to go back to normal flat xx
28.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
Honestly I think you look great your stomach does look flat xx
28.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the way you are! And that first pic is where the muscles stretched apart I can do that to mine if I breathe in and bend a certain way ♥️like I said nothing wrong xx
28.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
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