I need opinions

My son is almost 11 years old. His dad has been completely out of his life since he was 5 years old. And since he was born his dad would only see him once a year and not even for half a day. But my son has a Facebook that i check regular basis. Well i didnt notice he had a friend request. It was his dad. (This has been the second time in a year hes tryed friending him on Facebook). What should i do. My son not even sure he remembers what his dad looks like but knows his name. I dont know what to do. If i shluld ignore the request to his facebook or what. I honestly think thats not the way to do it kf he wants to be involved with him. Or see him. To add a 10 year old kid who doesnt know you... And behind the moms back. I just think its the wrong way..
4.4 года

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I think you should ignore the request on your sons page and contact his dad and tell him that if he wants to be a part of his life or get to know him, there are better ways of doing so

4.4 года Нравится Ответить



Block them 💯

4.4 года Нравится Ответить

At 11 years old I would ignore it. My son doesn’t really know his sons father either. At all never met him in fact. I do talk about him and get to show him though and be open. Unless this is something your son has brought up on his own, I would ignore it.

4.4 года Нравится Ответить

He never talks about his dad and when he did see him once a year he called him by his first name so i dont think he recognizes him as "dad"

4.4 года Нравится Ответить

I think you should ignore the request on your sons page and contact his dad and tell him that if he wants to be a part of his life or get to know him, there are better ways of doing so

4.4 года Нравится Ответить

@lizibear84 well the respecting my decision is out the window. He doesn't respect me being his mom abd him not being there so now hes got to work at see him and build that relationship instead of it just happening like he thinks

4.4 года Нравится Ответить

@anicole3285, who doesn’t respect? Your son or his dad? I meant that his dad needs to respect your son’s decision about letting him in. If he doesn’t, you block him in every form

4.4 года Нравится Ответить

@lizibear84 his dad doesn't. He will blame it on me. But yea. I might talk to my son in the next couple of years. Hes a young 10..

4.4 года Нравится Ответить

I'm 100% with you about it being wrong without going through you first, given he has no contact. Try to put your own feelings aside and sit your son down. Ask him how he feels about the situation. You'd be surprised how rational a 10 year old can be when it comes to life choices. They fight us bathing and dressing and homework, but they're capable of telling you how they feel about certain topics. Be prepared to answer questions about why his Dad isn't in his life, if he asks. Good luck!

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4.4 года Нравится Ответить