My almost 6 mo old is teething, you can see the bumps where the two bottom will soon be. We go to his dads Saturday-Tuesday and last weekend he said “idc if you’re teething I’m still gonna let you cry” and he’s very serious he will put him in his bed and shut the door and go about his day. Doesn’t phase him. But it does phase me and I don’t think it’s right while teething...I’m getting very anxious about going this weekend because if I pick him up or cuddle with him or hold him he gets mad at me and says mean things...I need advice because I know we’re both his parents but we clearly don’t agree on how to handle teething.

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@taylor.bush29, I forgot to add, you sound like you’re a really good mom. Don’t ever let anyone make you question that.
01.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
If I remember correctly, you had posted about your child’s father previously and I commented. Your sons father is asking you to neglect your child by disregarding his needs. There’s a reason mothers were chosen to birth and care for their children. You carried him. You know what his needs are. Ditch the dude. He sounds like he’s not worth the trouble. Especially if he is constantly making you question yourself as a mother.
01.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thank you all for the advice and back up! It breaks my heart too I don’t want him thinking I’m keeping his son from him for no reason and making me the bad guy as a lot of neglectful fathers do to us basically single moms. But my son comes first and he doesn’t do nearly enough support wise to really even have a say.
01.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
I wouldn’t be taking the baby to his house. Teething is painful from what the drs day. That’s terrible. He’s 6mths old and needs to be comforted. This is very very sad that u feel anxious about comforting your baby because his father will say mean things to u. Don’t go problem solved
01.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
Reding this broke my heart. To be honest thats wrong as fuck and i for sure as hell wouldnt go over if thats the case. Teething is painful on babies and they need the all the love and comfort they can get in those moments, especially for the first set of teeth since its a pain they dont understand and have never felt before. Closing a baby in a room to cry like that can be neglectful. Babies that young have no other way to communicate but to cry. They do it because theyre hungry, tired, or even possibly scared, think about it from the babies point of view. They are trying to communicate as best as they can. Picking him up and cuddling him is the right way to go and if dad has an issue with it you should tell him to go take a long walk of a short pier.
01.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
You need to tell him that the baby is hurting. Soothe that baby dont let him cry it out. Teething hurts for infants.
01.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
I would go what kind of person. Let's a baby cry there crying for a reason!
01.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
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