Okay mommy friends please help me out my period isn't suppose to start til the 21st I've been tired and nauseated along with lower back pain and these two pictures this has been for two days the two pictures I am showing you are taken today this has never happened before I have an appointment on Thursday to see if I am pregnant or not what do you mommy's think
If your period isn’t due for a while, I feel this looks like Implantation bleeding. Mine looked like that when I was prego with my first. Only a test will really tell you. Good luck!
Yeah well ive been on this app for 5 years ago and when i started there was a lot of people that was there for me and didn't care at all now that the years go by there is a lot of judging and bashing and hurtful ahit not just on my shit but others but anyways carry on......
O sorry isn't this app used for this type of stuff to post pictures and have mommy friends comment sorry for those that like to look at there phone on a mommys app while eating my bad 😂
@tinkerbell yeah but there's something called oh I don't know common courtesy. You've been on this app long enough to know people don't want to look at your vaginal discharge.