My little one is 3 months old and has been on Enfamil AR for a week already. Very constipated! Tried everything and nothing seems to be helping him poop. What helps your little one poop?
An extra two ounces of water is a lot for a three month old. I would call your pediatricians office and ask their advice. When my daughter was an infant they had me give half an ounce of organic prune juice and it worked within a few hours.
Add an extra 2 ounces of water to the formula so he can get the water to help with hydration and help loosen up the stool
Another alternatives gripe water which works like a charm
Last resort and I mean last because it’s gross lol stick the thermometer into the rectum to help him poop as well
Good luck!
Thanks girl! I'll start with the extra water in bottle. I hope that helps move things along because nothing seems to be working for him. He's got a difficult/sensitive stomach as it is.
@alle2011, no problem! One of the twins have an under active kidney so she has a hard time going regularly and gets constipated often so I always have to bust out the tricks lol
@keeks89 aw poor babies :( I'm sure as they get older, it'll get easier because their diet will start to change. Try probiotics too! I give my baby that daily and it's so good for them.