Christy Pfeiffer
What's a good brand of nursing clothes?
4.6 года

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@onehotmess thanks...with my first she had to be formula fed for medical reasons so I never got to nurse...now that I can with this one I feel like while doing a good job it's taking a toll on me emotionally and I've been debating if it's even worth it anymore....

4.6 года Нравится Ответить



@onehotmess thanks...with my first she had to be formula fed for medical reasons so I never got to nurse...now that I can with this one I feel like while doing a good job it's taking a toll on me emotionally and I've been debating if it's even worth it anymore....

4.6 года Нравится Ответить

It can definitely be tough that's for sure, especially in the beginning! With each one of my kids, I definitely wanted to quit at times! It wasn't all sunshine & rainbows like some people make you think it is. There was a lot of frustration, exhaustion, pain & tears. I really wanted to be able to stick with it & I was glad I did bc it got easier for me as time went on. You have to do what's best for you & your emotional well being. You have to care for yourself first so that you can care your baby. And if that means not breastfeeding than that's what's best for you both. With my 1st I breastfed & supplemented with formula. In the end all that matters is your baby is fed & you're both happy. 🙂

4.6 года Нравится Ответить

Amazon has a lot

4.6 года Нравится Ответить

Yeah I looked around on Amazon but I wanted to know what companies are good and worth spending the money on. Latched mama, milk nursing and kindred bravely are the only ones that I know of and I just wanted to know more

4.6 года Нравится Ответить
4.6 года Нравится Ответить

@armywife72515 I definitely splurged on nursing bras/tops bc I knew I was going to use them with the next baby & I wanted to be comfortable going out & about while I was nursing. With my 1st I was too shy to nurse in public & I didn't have discreet nursing tops. I spent a lot of time at home & missing out on life. So when I had my other 2 kids I wasn't about to miss out on life bc I was nursing for 3 yrs straight! Lol

4.6 года Нравится Ответить

@onehotmess I'm too nervous to nurse in public, and I wasn't able to nurse with my first so this is all new to me.

4.6 года Нравится Ответить

@armywife72515 If you get some of the discreet nursing tops no one can see anything. It just looks like you're cradling your baby. Practice at home til you're comfortable with it. Don't hide in your house the whole time you're nursing like I did with my 1st! Good luck to you!

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