Jaqueline Pearce
Oh my gosh..... 🙄🙄🙄🙄 My boyfriends dad and his girlfriend live an hour away. And he and his dad aren’t really close. But I’m a big family person so I encouraged him to let his dad see our son. So he did and that was fine but they only want to see him if we drive up there. An hour away! With a baby who has unpredictable tantrums. They won’t come to us to see him but they will drive to our target in our city to shop. 🤦🏼‍♀️ why should I do all the driving. I have a baby that’s a lot of gas money I’m using. And if I visit once she begs to come see her every single day. Ugh I’m tired of it. Why did I encourage him to be closer 😭she’s so annoying
4.6 года

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