Right, I'm coming off this app! I'm absolutely sick to death of people telling me what my child can and can't do! Like you see him every day. You don't, I do, I am with him every damn day of his life I see what he can do on a daily basis I also see what he is unable to do. All you see is pictures that I put up Evey now and again and just because you don't see him doing some things in those pictures doesn't mean he can't do it at all. I don't go round telling you everything you do is wrong. My baby is not your baby, each child is an individual they are not all exactly the same. What one 4 month old can do some six month olds can't do yet.
I'm not an idiot, I know what is bad for MY child and I'm not going to force anything upon him if I know he is not ready. I do my research before making any decision on what I do with him I don't just sit there and think "oh who cares if he's not ready, I'm gonna force some food down his throat!"

Thought this app was meant to be for support and to make friends but you're all so damn judgemental and I've had enough!

So have fun with all of your bubble wrapped children and a big 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 you to you all

Cya 😘

Лучший комментарий

You’re ignoring medical guidelines, and the advice of women with lots of experience. The same way you did with putting him in a bouncer so young. He’s yours, do what you want, but support isn’t having loads of yes people round you. People who truly care will point out if you’re jumping the gun a bit rather than sit and say it’s all good. Good luck to you both though.
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Go then, if you're going to do things that are potentially a risk to your child's health don't be surprised when people call you out on it. To be honest it's like you've had him and you're trying to rush every aspect of his life regardless if he's ready or not, so leave if you wanna leave there is no need to announce it, no one's going to feel bad for telling you to slow down with what you're doing.
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить


This app is for support thats what people are trying to do. You just can't accept the fact that you are doing some things wrong! Im sorry everyone does mistakes and its very grown up to learn from them and take on advice. But you are not doing so. Thats ridicolous. Instead of getting agmngry with people giving you adhice. Take it listen and grow with it. Thats the best thing you can do
06.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
@zoeslater1704 do wat u want queen
02.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Didt no it was all full off doctors on ere
02.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Oh god hahaha ya do what is best for ur own kid all mine were weaned at 3 months 👌
02.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
02.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Some of the people on here need to worry about the state of the houses before commenting about you weaning you baby early 🤣 makes me laugh I only come on here now and again and it’s always the same ones who are on there high horse dishing out the advise but then you see photos of there houses...😂
02.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Who’s house u on about??
02.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Just keep calm and carry on hun. Theres always the odd few that will always think they know best or better than you. Dont sweat it. You and babba seem to be doing just fine. Yh pay attention to family and friends comments/advice but dont let it get to you. Best wishes 😘 x
02.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Hun, yes you are with your son 24/7 and see what he can do; however, all these ladies are giving their opinions based on their experiences and medical guidelines. I don’t think anyone was intentionally trying to be nasty to you.

Try to see it as offering support, Bobby is 6 months in 3 weeks and i have started a few spoonfuls of puree here and there under the guidance of the hv (Ex nicu nurse) at my support group, but he’s not always finishing his 6oz bottles.

There are plenty of ladies trying to offer support but unfortunately if it is against NHS and WHO guidelines you will get push back but that is on every media platform.

Please take a step back and brush it off xx
02.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Wow 😲 really , I would hate to see the world if we all ignored medical guidelines ,
I said it before and I still stand by it they are there for a reason not just to p*ss parents off by saying wait till 6mth.
On another note I don’t understand why people want to rush their babies to do things, weaning , bouncers , walkers , etc let them be babies and develop naturally because believe me one day they won’t be a baby and all that precious time enjoying them and just being with them will be gone
Sorry if no one agrees this is just my opinion on it
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Sorry if I caused any offence I commented when you asked about weaning and said BLW at 6 months and I wouldn’t use baby rice. It’s only my opinion I would be the first to admit I’m winging it daily as is everybody else. I’m not a perfect parent and maybe I bubble wrap my children but they are too young to protect themselves so it’s my job to look out for their well-being.
Wish you all the best, this app is great. I don’t think any of the ladies meant to cause offence
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Doesn’t matter if a child is accepting food or even sitting up. Or has no tongue thrust...

The gut isn’t ready until 6 months months.

I think they need to make it more clear.
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
He’s not ready on the basis he’s not 6 months. The gut isn’t ready at 6 months to handle food!

It doesn’t matter if he’s eating the food and appears ready. It’s about what’s going on inside not the outside. Unless you have X-ray vision and can see his gut and see it’s ready. Then he’s not ready simple.

If you did your research you would know about the virgin Gut and wouldn’t wean this early :)
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
I weaned my two boys at 3 months as they were ALWAYS hungry and was looking for food! But I remember o did comment on one picture where o said he looked way to small to be in the jumperoo no need for you to leave thou don't understand
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
If it helps I weaned my son at Three months!! I yes 3, back then they actually sold baby food jars from 3+ haha going to be honest I didn't know any different I was only 15 myself and just did what I thought was right and you never guess what he is going to be TEN this month, that's right he is still alive and tbh never had any serious illnesses or problems with him, you do what you want as a mum because as mum's we know if we are putting are children at risk just take peoples advice it is always nice to hear what other think around you either way you will do what you want at the end of the day anyway, don't leave the app because of other people.
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
I’m guessing it’s regarding weaning. I’m childcare qualified with years of experience. We weaned our eldest at 12 weeks. He threw up his milk constantly. They told me it was just reflux and not to wean. But I knew best for my child. Turned out he had milk protein intolerance. And when I eventually saw a dr who was useful they told me I’d done the right thing.
With my youngest he was 17 weeks when we introduced a bit of food. And my HV said it was fine.
Do what’s right for you. Your him mum
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
my health visitor told me its best to try leave weaning aslong as possible to give there organs more time ive never commented on ur posts till now cause ur post is rude tbh its advice these ladies r giving just take it on board and move on if u have read up on things why have u not followed them ur child ain't even 4 month yet let him and his body grow abit first dont no how a child that age can look ready for food more like some more milk but like u say ur child u no him forget what experts say
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
It doesn’t look like he can sit unaided though as in previous pictures he’s leaning and looks really uncomfortable for his back and clearly being propped up. If you wanna take the advice as being judgemental then that’s up to you but there’s some experienced mothers on here and the advice they’ve given is 100% correct. They haven’t said it to be nasty but like I’ve said before guidelines are there for a reason. If You want to ignore them then that’s your choice. If he was ready for food he’d be sitting up straight, head up, not being propped on a seat with a cushion. He’d be draining full 9oz bottles every 1-2hrs and looking for more if milk wasn’t enough. It’s actually normal for a baby to want lots of milk especially during growth spurts as they’re developing so much. No one called you an idiot. This app is for support but we’re not gonna support the wrong things at the end of the day!

Oh and just because we don’t stuff food down our kids throat at a couple months old and prop them in jumperoos doesn’t mean our kids are bubble wrapped. They’re just not forced to grow up, thanks 😊
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
I've just read the comments on your post in regards to weaning, which I guess has started this off. I don't think any of the ladies on here are being judgemental, they're just looking out for you and your little one. They just want you to be aware of why the guidelines are in place.
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Go then, if you're going to do things that are potentially a risk to your child's health don't be surprised when people call you out on it. To be honest it's like you've had him and you're trying to rush every aspect of his life regardless if he's ready or not, so leave if you wanna leave there is no need to announce it, no one's going to feel bad for telling you to slow down with what you're doing.
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
I didn't read anyone being judgemental. But experienced Mothers giving advice. Did you ask for it? No. But no one was being nasty or judgemental. Their only thinking of your son's welfare not trying to bash you. There's a difference. If you don't like it then of course leave the app or block who has offended you, if that's how you feel. I've been on this app for years & have found it incredibly supportive even if it's meant someone giving me the hard truth 🤷‍♀️ We all love our children & have their best interests at heart. No one is doubting that.
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Love this.. Surprised it took u this long to snap if I'm honest.. Some of the comments I've seen on your posts and pics from all these "perfect parents" 😂.. End of the day u know your baby u know what's best what he's capable of etc.. Carry on what your doing hun 👏 all the best to u both xx
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
No one is claiming to be a perfect parent. Everyone makes mistakes. We are all women who are trying to help a first time mom out. No one is being judgemental. People are worried for her child’s wellbeing.
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
@gem_1618, If it means that my child has no discomfort in the long term then yeah I’d rather be a perfect parent lol 😂 if that’s what you call it... but I don’t claim to be...

You can be wrong... that’s just how it is... and you learn from mistakes :)
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
👋🏼 !
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
⬆️ what she said! 👋🏻
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
You’re ignoring medical guidelines, and the advice of women with lots of experience. The same way you did with putting him in a bouncer so young. He’s yours, do what you want, but support isn’t having loads of yes people round you. People who truly care will point out if you’re jumping the gun a bit rather than sit and say it’s all good. Good luck to you both though.
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
Love this😂👍
01.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
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