Fi Wynyard
United Kingdom


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12 неделя беременности: пол ребенка на УЗИ? Кто умеет определять пол по скану?
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My daughters 12 wk scan , anyone any good at gender guessing xx
kezza I say girl x
fififmrbtteg Eee she really wants a girl too so 🤞🏻we are doing her a gender reveal on the
fififmrbtteg Thank you everyone It’s a girl 🩷🩷 Spot on with all your guesses I haven’t a clue
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Слабая полоска на дешевом тесте, а на CB - да? Было у кого такое?
Hi ladies.
I’m confused has anyone ever had very very faint barely there positives on cheap tests but a positive on CB , I don’t know whether to think I’m pregnant again or not xxx
em90 Could be down to the sensitivity of the test. Might be worth asking Drs for bloods. I
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Как справиться с волнением перед операцией в больнице? Советы и поддержка
Sensitive post ✨✨✨✨✨✨

Heading into hospital for my op today My heads a mess and I’m terrified xxxx
jessie23xx Oh I hope you’re okay - thinking of you❤️xxxxx
em90 Thinking of you ❤
danasmith2003 hope u r okay 💓
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Срок беременности или выкидыш?
Hi I went for my scan yesterday and baby is only measuring 6+4 weeks, I should be 10 , so they think either my dates are out or it could be a silent miscarriage 😢😢
I’m pretty sure of my dates so I think it’s the latter xxx
jessie23xx How are things?! Did you have a follow up scan?xx
fififmrbtteg Hi the scan showed the same no growth but because my first scan was private I have
jessie23xx Hey hun! Did you have your other follow up scan? How did things go?xxx
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