🦎 Gecko Mom
Unfortunately I missed most of the first week of my son’s life due to his NICU time so fresh newborn stuff I am a bit clueless on. But oh my gawd are they supposed to poop this much?! I swear I don’t remember my son pooping what feels like every 20m-1h and his diapers also felt a lot more substantial while
Hers are mostly just enough where we have to get her in a new one. I literally feel as if she is either only just eating or pooping with a bit of sleep mixed inbetween. 🤣🤦🏼‍♀️🤱🏼
4.7 года

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Yes that’s normal. Newborns poop a lot!!

4.7 года Нравится Ответить



Yes that’s normal. Newborns poop a lot!!

4.7 года Нравится Ответить

Are you breastfeeding? Breastfed babies don't poop all that much

4.7 года Нравится Ответить

I am. Typically it isn’t until later in my experience that their poops kinda slow down as breastfed babies. Looking at my records for my son looks like he had between 2-5 poops a day when he was 2w old. Just not sure if it is because there is more stuff they gotta clear out of their system the first week but swear this girl has so many poopy diapers right now!

4.7 года Нравится Ответить