My sister is going through a rough time with her MIL. The newest thing is the MIL bought a used infant car seat for when she will have the baby. My sis thought a smarter option would to just buy an extra base for the seat my sister had chosen. Which I agree with that. Plus the history of the used seat isn’t known so that’s a concern.
Maybe we are crazy! Lol anyone deal with people overstepping their bounds when it comes to your parental decisions?
I’m must just be a raging bitch or I’m just very clear with my boundaries but no one tried to over step my parenting decisions. I would literally flip shit.
Well my MIL sadly passed when my daughter was 18M but she was great because my husband legit sat her down and said "she is not your daughter. You have daughters which you gave advice to etc but this is different. Dont overstep". She questioned EVERYTHING but followed his directions amazingly. My SIL on the other hand....dont get my started.
Friend of mines MIL frequently buys hideous clothes that are the wrong size, takes the tags off, and washes them before "gifting" then to her. It drives her NUTS and half the time she just donates it.
Both my mil, fil, and own mother have all overstepped at some point. All three of them were trying to spoonfeed my lo baby food at 3mo, my mother and mil put rice cereal in babys botteled breast milk. They have all posted pictures of my daughter (I have no pictures of my daughter on social media till she can decide for herself). My mother insisted that just for a day it was okay for my lo at 9mo to forward face. Them wanting to take my daughter for their firsts. Expecting my lo to stay the night in their homes. Mil said she was going to have sil cut lo hair next time she was there without me bc it is in lo eyes ( lo moves it when it bugs her)