So this is what happens when you have a American pit and American bulldog mix and your son is playing with him and just bites him.. Almost bit a hole in his ear! My poor baby has done cried himself asleep💔😞
It’s not the puppy’s fault. If you’re going to have pets around your kids, you need to constantly supervise. It’s an animal and provoked enough, it can and will most likely snap. Teach your children safety around animals
You should have him looked at. Even if it doesn’t look that serious there is bacteria in dogs mouths that aren’t good for people and can cause an infection.
Don’t generalize the breed. I have a pit bull she’ll be 7 this year. She’s been around plenty of children especially mine daily which are 5 & 1 and she has never shown any signs of aggression. She learned discipline by rewarding good behavior. “Whooping” a dog only makes them afraid of you it doesn’t teach them anything.
You keep saying you aren’t blaming the breed but your post says differently 🤷🏻♀️ I have a pit bull mix and she is a sweetheart never once bite my kids, sometimes puppies are just playful and don’t understand this is why kids should be supervised at all times because also children don’t understand.
@michellemybell09 oKay. I'm so tired of this. Every post that I post someone takes the wrong way. And then other things that don't have anything to do with the post gets brought up! Maybe I am just bad at wording things .. Who knows😑
@boyandgirlmom, maybe I couldn’t really tell you why other things get brought up.🤷🏻♀️ but I can tell you that the way you worded it is why I take your post that way.
it’s not the dogs fault... iv had 2 pit bull puppies while my daughter was 6 months until she was a 1 1/2 & they never bit her or anything . its about how you act around the dog & how the kid is with the dog .. glad your sons okay though .. i would keep the pup away from your son if you cant watch them until he gets a little older
Hopefully your son is okay and gets seen by a Dr.
Dogs and kids need to be supervised, it doesn't matter the breed of dog or age or if they have never bit anyone before. They can always snap. It just takes time teaching a pup that they can't bite, and teaching kids to not pester the dog.
@boyandgirlmom, I understand I have a pit mix at home. I just think throwing pit in there makes it more scary to moms because people associated them with aggressiveness. People run away from my dog and she looks and is an absolute sweetheart. That’s why I said pit.
@boyandgirlmom, but saying “So this is what happens when you have a American pit and American bulldog mix” makes it sound like you’re blaming breeds. That was unnecessarily specific
@boyandgirlmom, As. Mother of 3 boys and. Professional Certified Dog Groomer for 20 yrs in this business “ are you blaming a toddler for getting his little innocent ear bitten? I have seen every breed 2 sides to each of course a bigger breed dog has a harder ,More powerful bite for example a Yorkie small breed dog will bite u without hesitation while most big breeds will give you a warning! All breeds need training especially the stronger the breed it’s just not train the dog properly it’s training the Responsible owner as well”Please Go take your son to a Dr,urgent care etc to get his Bite checked out,in Miami every bite must be reported after 3 bites To anyone your dog is considered hi risk Regardless of the breed,regardless if it’s a puppy “I wouldn’t t chose Anything over MY Child’s safety is 1st ,hope your little toddler feels better !
@dee2115 only time I pop my son its his butt (diaper.. He can't even feel it and doesn't cry but he knows why I'm getting onto him) is only when I have to tell him 3 times to stop! Now if she wants her kid shocked! Go for it. Nobody has the right to judge anyone else just because the parent differently. I mean my neighbor is always sittimg on his porch and he is a sheriff... He has seen me pop my son on the diaper bc he was running towards the road.. Some of us moms actually watch out kids to make sure they dont get hurt
@boyandgirlmom, I advise into looking proper punishments for dogs. Hitting a dog will lead to aggression. I’ve never hit my pit bull. She get disciplined in other ways
It’s not the puppy’s fault. If you’re going to have pets around your kids, you need to constantly supervise. It’s an animal and provoked enough, it can and will most likely snap. Teach your children safety around animals
@boyandgirlmom, girl I have to teach my 4 yo over and over and over again. You cannot trust an animal around your young child unsupervised. So yes, do what you need to do to keep your son safe
That happened to me when I was little. We had a Rottweiler puppy, me and my brother were playing with him and he went to bite my hair and my brother pulled up and he bit me right in the eye. His tooth sliced my eyelid. I had to get stitches.
You should have him looked at. Even if it doesn’t look that serious there is bacteria in dogs mouths that aren’t good for people and can cause an infection.