when people told me loosing weight was so easy while breastfeeding i was so freaking excited. here i am over my ONE YEAR mark of nursing and guess what it hasn’t helped me at all i feel like. 😂
Hmmm I lost a bunch of weight with both babies so it worked for me. Especially with my 2nd. I actually went down to 7 lbs below my pre pregnancy weight. I had to buy all new pants because everything would just fall off me.
I lost 30 lbs exactly (how much I gained) by my 6 weeks.
No exercise and I left the house only for appointments. I also ate what I wanted. I breastfeed almost exclusively. I pumped as well very often to keep my supply up.
I believe that it depends on your body type and how well your hormones readjust.
Also I wore a waist band the whole time which helped with my uterus contracting and my stomach going down all together.