jenna tess
Taking Cara Babies : “Navigating Months 3 & 4” Ebook For babies 13-20weeks. Worth it? I believe we just hit the 4mo sleep regression. I know it’s a good thing.. I know it’s normal and just his body growing to adjust to a better sleep pattern, but man oh man am I tired! 😅
4.8 года

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I hate 4mo sleep regression. 😒
Caleigha didn’t go through it because she never slept well. Josephine slept great until she hit the regression.

4.8 года Нравится Ответить



I hate 4mo sleep regression. 😒
Caleigha didn’t go through it because she never slept well. Josephine slept great until she hit the regression.

4.8 года Нравится Ответить

Right? Faye was the worst sleeper I’ve ever met. She didn’t sleep more than 5 hours max until she was 2 years old. So, I never noticed her sleeping get bad. It was always bad.
I’ve been reading and, I guess adults filter though 4/5 realms of sleep. Where as newborns only hit two. At 4mo old (regression) is when they start to switch from the 2 to the 4/5 like adults. So, it’s good. It means they are developing correctly and will eventually be better sleepers for it. It just sucksssss while they are going through the transition.

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