My stepson will only pee on the potty not poop idk how to get him to go number 2
4.8 года

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I worked in daycare for several years and little boys were the challenge for potty training. But once one of the boys had it down packed the other boys fell right in line!!

One thing we did was focus on their self help skills to get them into pooping on the toilet/potty. When they would poop on them selves we would allow them to change themselves. Of course you monitor and go behind and make sure he’s all clean but this method proved to be most effective with the little boys. They really don’t like the process of them having to wipe their own poop so they learned that going on the potty means I don’t have to do the work of changing myself.

4.8 года Нравится Ответить



Lol our daughter will not poo in her diaper unless she can't make it to the toilet and she is also getting good at asking to go pee and she will be 2 next month

4.8 года Нравится Ответить

He says he has to go but only goes pee

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I brought him in with me 🙃 he’s always been a “I wanna be just like you” kinda kid. But now I still have a poop doula so idk if you are willing to risk it 😂

4.8 года Нравится Ответить

I worked in daycare for several years and little boys were the challenge for potty training. But once one of the boys had it down packed the other boys fell right in line!!

One thing we did was focus on their self help skills to get them into pooping on the toilet/potty. When they would poop on them selves we would allow them to change themselves. Of course you monitor and go behind and make sure he’s all clean but this method proved to be most effective with the little boys. They really don’t like the process of them having to wipe their own poop so they learned that going on the potty means I don’t have to do the work of changing myself.

4.8 года Нравится Ответить

Have you tried a reward system or just putting him on when you know he needs to poop and talking him through it (trying to distract)?
We used M&Ms bc my daughter didn’t want to poop on the potty for a while. She eventually gave in and I gave her two M&Ms for every time she pooped in the potty. Once she had it down we just really praised her each time

4.8 года Нравится Ответить

We do toys at the dollar. He can pick out what he wants but recently we took him to Meijer for a toy because he finished his whole sheet. We talk to him and say maybe next time try going poop when you need to go let Mom and Dad know just like you do when you have to pee and well help you then a half hour after talking to him he'll poop in his pull up

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