Just curious. Does your have enough energy at the end of the day agter working all day. Once the kids are in bed. Have time to spend with you? Talk about important matters and or just to be with you? Or is it everyday a constant struggle. What are your nightly routines or weekly routines for just "couple time"
4.8 года

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we both work full time and get home late we only have less than 2 hours as a family every day and that includes having to clean and whatnot he typically goes to bed with lo since he gets up at ungodly hours. it's a struggle and we don't have a balance

4.8 года Нравится Ответить



we both work full time and get home late we only have less than 2 hours as a family every day and that includes having to clean and whatnot he typically goes to bed with lo since he gets up at ungodly hours. it's a struggle and we don't have a balance

4.8 года Нравится Ответить

Well i guess it seems as if im the odd one whos SO or whoever he is at this point rather have alone time by himself every single night. I knew i wasnt crazy for the things i wanted or even expect

4.8 года Нравится Ответить

I always wait to eat dinner with my fiance. The lastest he ever is is 6:30. It's a time for us to catch up on our days and talk about how we'll spend the evening. We always settle and watch our favorite shows or a movie once we put our daughter to bed. On the weekends we make an effort to at least get a little bit of alone time together.

4.8 года Нравится Ответить

Thats nice.

4.8 года Нравится Ответить

We have date night on Saturdays, usually my MIL watches my daughter so we could go out or stay in and watch tv and order food, at the end of the day most of the time we go to bed and talk a little bit, we both wake up early most of the time so sometimes we have time to spend together in the morning before he goes to work as well

4.8 года Нравится Ответить

Thats great

4.8 года Нравится Ответить

Me & my husband make sure we have alone time every single night. After the girls all have gone to bed, & he’s got home from work we find one of our shows or a movie to watch & usually that’s what we do. Some nights we just throw tv on & play on our phones while bullshitting with each other & thats when we sneak in “play” time 😂🥰 that’s the only time we’re not rushed is when we wait till after everyone has gone to bed. My husband always wants to come home & watch at least ONE episode of something & talk to me especially about important things. It’s never a hassle honestly. & if he’s home in time, he helps get the girls to bed as well because he enjoys that when he gets the chance to do it.

4.8 года Нравится Ответить

Well that is great team work.

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