Yessi 🇩🇴
Yessi 🇩🇴
My daughter is 16 months old, and not talking. She is being referred to a SLP and Audiologist for an evaluation. I was told by several moms that their child didn’t say a lick of anything until they turned 2. How common is that? I’ve heard this from more than 6 women.

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If your in a bilingual household that can make them also talk later. Our pediatrician told us this when my daughter was still really young. She talks alot but like other people said they do stuff in their own time.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
The thing that my doctor said that made me feel the most secure was it didn’t matter how many words my son was saying, but that he was continuing to progress at a regular pace and we needed to be more alarmed if he started to loose words or skills.

That ended up happening for us, and he has a speech disability, but still her advice was more helpful than constantly worrying about having X amount of words by a certain month.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
My doctor said it could also run in the family. If you or your husband were late talkers, then so might be your baby. And I've also heard that if your kid understands you pretty well, you shouldn't be too worried (say you ask her to go and get her blue shoes for a walk and she does it 👍)
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thank you ladies 🙏🏽
I just had to ask because our pediatrician made me feel like my daughters delayed speech isn’t normal or common.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
My daughter said five words until she had tubes put in two months before and turned two. All kids are different.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
My son said basically nothing at that age. He didn’t talk until almost 2 and didn’t really start talking other than a handful of words until after 2.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
My oldest could only say 3 words til around 18mo. And he barely even said them.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
Both my twins barely say anything.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
@mswedes, my daughter is the same. She understands me and knows what to do when I ask of it but she just doesn’t talk. She’ll attempt to try and when she does she’ll say Peppa (for Peppa Pig/tv time). But that’s the only word she’ll say. She’s nearly a pro with tablets, phones, and puzzles. Her doctor states it’s not normal but she’s progressing in other areas. I’ll continue to keep track of her speech.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
Mine didn't really start saying words until 2. Even now he is still a late talker. He says things at his own pace. However, he is so used to signing and making certain sounds for things. I believe he can talk, because he can sound out letters and such, but we practice trying to say new words and sounding then out letter for letter. He just gets easily distracted so it's hard. I think I'm going to wait until 3 to intervene, because they have free early intervention programs in our school district here
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
It's very common. I'm a speech pathologist and my own daughter didn't start talking consistently until she was 2. Children are learning so much during this time that sometimes they fall behind in one area so their brains can focus on mastering one task. 16 months is still young as far as speech development.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thanks, this gives me hope.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
Same. Ours isn't saying words we understand yet, but he knows what we're saying when we talk to him, and he's advanced in other areas like motor skills. Our dr isn't concerned and I just figure he'll start talking once he's ready.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
That’s pretty normal alot of kids don’t start talking til after 2 but a lot of times wen they are around one they say basic words like hi bye mom dad
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
My son just started talking in the last 3-5 months. Every child is different. We chose to avoid going to a speech therapist because we felt he was advanced in other areas which told us that he was progressing and just slow to speak. He is now stringing a few words together.
08.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
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