Jade Leanne Kelly
Jade Leanne Kelly
My little girl is using her potty for both weeing and pooping. So I want to get her used to wearing pull ups but how do you get her to learn she needs to pull them off when she needs to learn the potty. I leave her nappy off all day til bedtime now but not sure what to do now haha. Any advice?

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@beveridge.s What just do the same thing ask her If she needs a wee etc and teach her that way before I introduce knickers? Thanks for the help hun!
07.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
Yeah, cause it will still help her remember. I still suggest pants but if she doesn't like it then there is no point in forcing her
07.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
But am I best making sure she's going to keep doing it all day? Before I put her in knickers. She has a weird thing about public toilets she used to be scared of the hand dryer sound lol so now she will not go in the toilets. Yeah I'll try her with knickers but we have been hit and miss with the nappy so I'll leave her completely out of nappies today see how we go but show her how to pull her knickers up and down as well thanks @beveridge.s @gen87 xxx
07.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
@proudmommyoflilymae yeah ask her every half an hour but take her very often also, and before bed also but I suggest because shes still young to have a nappy on during the night. Night time can take a while to get, during the day is easier.
07.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
@beveridge.s well I tried her in knickers told her to sit on the potty she keeps saying no all the time and she doesn't always say yes when she needs to do something I don't know if she's fully ready for the knickers yet
07.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
@proudmommyoflilymae if you dont think shes ready then try pull ups.
07.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
I agree with pp don’t bother with pull ups. They can be confusing. Ideal for when out and about or when first starting but if she’s doing everything on the potty try her in knickers. And just take her to the potty every 20 mins. And show her to pull her knickers down. Then if that goes well go back to her being dress with knickers.
06.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
Just put her into pants and pull up at night. If she goes all day without having a pee or anything in the nappy then I say just go straight to pants
06.06.2019 Нравится Ответить
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