For some reason I thought my nonstress test would be today, but I didn’t realize it couldn’t be done until 26 weeks. So we’ll be doing that at my appointment next week, which means another week to worry about it.
At my appointment today Leo was not cooperative, he didn’t want to move. We couldn’t get a clear look at his heart so further analysis of his ASD will be starting next week as well but his heartbeat was perfect. Most likely it’s nothing to worry about since he’s still so young and there’s plenty of time for it to close on his own!
I just want to know that my baby is healthy! He’s still measuring a little behind but he has been my entire pregnancy so that’s not necessarily worrisome at this point.
I’m starting my urine collection today, I love (sarcasm) carrying around this pee collection jar. I’ll be dropping it off at the lab tomorrow so at least I’ll get the results from that this week! Hopefully the results are good and don’t show any signs of preeclampsia.