Well Ladies I Went To My Check 30 week Check Up The 29th & had my Specialist check up yesterday my Fundal height on my belly is Measuring almost 3 weeks behind the doctor said they'll keep an eye on that so I was cool she not worried neither am I so the next day I go to my Specialist. Come 2 find out my amniotic fluid is lower then the last week I week its 7 something I guess its pose 2 be between 5 & 15 to 17 cm on the u.s n I was @ a 7 so obviously very low so u know the baby is pose 2 practice breathing In the womb with drinking the fluid n pee or what not so he wssnt showing signs of the breathing so they order me a nst right then an there so now I have to get 2 nst a week an 2 us a week until baby they gave me a dose of steroids n I go in the morning 4 Nother nst n steroid shot jus I case well most likely I'll b deliever my baby earlier due 2 the low fluids n iugr it like I cant catch a break ladies n I'm missin. My brother every day jus something new I'm so tired n stressed I jus wanna give up ... but I would like 2 know if any of u ladies had this problem n that baby at least stayed in until 36 weeks I wanna make it to that cz my last baby was born at 36 week due 2 iugr n was 4lbs n he was healthy tho I really dont wanna deliever my baby be4 than I'm so nervous