We were binge watching Private Practice and an episode made us wonder is a surrogate genetically related to the baby in any way? The surrogates blood does pass through the baby right?
4.9 года

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That’s an interesting thought. So I googled it. “The way in which the surrogates DNA is able to enter the child, is through the placenta. Its more common for a child's DNA to pass into the woman than the surrogates DNA to pass into the child.” But I still don’t know exactly. 😂

4.9 года Нравится Ответить



That’s an interesting thought. So I googled it. “The way in which the surrogates DNA is able to enter the child, is through the placenta. Its more common for a child's DNA to pass into the woman than the surrogates DNA to pass into the child.” But I still don’t know exactly. 😂

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

I did the same thing and i read that result as well as some other ones and im still confused. I thought maybe someone on here could offer some insight

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

So is there a chance theirs a small percentage of DNA from the surrogate ? This is very interesting lol

4.9 года Нравится Ответить