Bianca Gallegos
Bianca Gallegos
Have any mommy’s experienced EXTREMELY irregular periods after their baby’s? Not so much in the days or the cycle but the type of cycle.

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Oh wow. Mine is kind of backwards from yours haha. I used to be on time but last 7 days with 5 days heavy. The first period after my daughter was 8 days and like 6-7 heavy and then this last time it was 4 days and super light. Just freaks me out lol. I haven’t had pregnancy symptoms with either of my kids, so I’m kind of worried hahaha.
22.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
Yes most definitely. My daughter is 2 and My periods are still so different than they were pre-pregnancy. I used to be on like clock work and have a moderate flow for 4-5 days. Now I sometimes start a week early or sometimes a week and a half late (freaks me out). And some periods last 3 days with HEAVY bleeding. And Some last 14 days with light to moderate bleeding. I just feel like pregnancy throws our hormones off so much it doesn’t know how to act afterwards.
22.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
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