Honest question... (not directed at anyone on this app) why is pregnancy kept a “secret” until the second trimester? Is it to spare others the uncomfortable position if there is a miscarriage? Just for the fun of it? To complete with others?

At work someone announced around 8-9 weeks and by some of my coworkers’ reactions she’s horrible, crazy, and attention seeking. It’s frustrating to me that our culture shames women for being excited about pregnancy.

I’ve had three miscarriages and honestly having a support system made it easier for me to go through them.

I’m by no means saying everyone should announce early but why shame people who do?

Rant over lol!

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I agree with you. With my current pregnancy I wanted to wait to announce but I couldn’t contain myself. I started bragging and showing my ultrasounds at 9 weeks. Honestly idgaf what ppl think. I’m a high risk pregnancy. The fact that I’m pregnant at all is a miracle. I will celebrate every day I’m still pregnant, every milestone I hit, every second of the way. It’s possible I can still lose this baby, and if so, I want my time while pregnant a happy one and shared with the world. I want to share both my happiness and my pain. I feel like our society shy away from pain and loss. We don’t want to talk about it. Well, I will talk about it. I will talk about my happiness of pregnancy and I too will talk about pain of my loss of pregnancy. It happens. Why hide it? That’s my take. Only speaking for myself.
08.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
Chances of miscarriage actually drop significantly after the 12 week mark
08.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
We wanted to tell people early, but it turned into a threatened miscarriage so we waited until the second trimester to announce to be safe. We didn't want to announce and then lose him and have to answer questions about it while grieving. I would never shame an excited momma, but now I do see why many women wait to announce.
08.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
I believe it's because you're at a higher risk of miscarriage in the first trimester so people don't want to go around telling everybody about the new edition until after the first trimester in case of a miscarriage. It's just become a part of tradition to wait, so many people are just wrapped up in these traditions and believe that that's just the way it should go. I also believe that there's some Superstition behind it some people believe telling everyone too early leads to miscarriage
08.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
I completely agree with you.
08.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
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