Mom of soon to be 3!
Mom of soon to be 3!
I had a failed anesthesia for my c section last Monday morning. I felt every cut. I screamed, cried, pleaded for my life. Once the baby was out they put me somewhat under (no throat tubes or anything). Which my husband said I continued to scream and cry as he sat in the hallway even though I was put “under”. I need to know someone else has gone thru this. I need to know I’m not alone. This experience is eating me up and I can’t even function anymore. I’m scared of everything. I cried like a baby just getting my dressing changed. I can’t lay flat on my back without loosing my mind. Please. Please tell me I’m not alone. I don’t know where to go from here.

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omg I never actually knew that happened that's sound like somthing out of a horror movie! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. as much as you may not want to you should sue so someone else doesn't have to go through the same thing you did. 😥
08.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
I felt mine too. It was horrible. They didn’t have time to wait for the anesthesia to kick in. Yours sounds a lot more traumatic then mine though. I’m sorry you had to experience it, I don’t wish it on anyone.
07.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
It wasn’t an emergency c section, the baby wasn’t in danger. I just would not progress enough to have her and she kept flipping even though they kept moving her. There was the time to make it work. My surgeon was just a horrible human being in my eyes. I’m so sorry you went thru it as well. It’s so horrifying. And scary. May I ask how you got thru it? Did you seek counseling? Did it just get better an easier with time?
08.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
This is going to sound weird, but there's a greys anatomy episode where something similar happens and I think it had to do with the person having a higher tolerance to the anesthesia or something. It definitely should not have happened... I wonder if you can sue the hospital and get some compensation?
07.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
My husband and mom want me to. I’m not really interested. I just want to be able to get thru the day without a melt down thinking about it.
08.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
Why didn’t they put you under the moment they knew you felt everything? I’d be livid. I’m so so sorry you had to endure this. I cannot imagine the trauma you went through and will have to deal with for life. I have not been through this but my heart goes out to you in every way. ♥️
07.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
@trishanickerson, that sounds terrible. I’d be seeing a lawyer. This is probably going to take years of counseling to overcome. I know I would need it ♥️
07.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
@whereswaldo, my husband and mom want me to sue. I just want to get over it, somehow. These are people we are suppose to trust. I definitely need help dealing with this.
08.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
@trishanickerson, I’d sue so
It doesn’t happen to someone else. Then take that money for much needed therapy because I’d need years and it isn’t cheap.
08.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
This happened to me with my daughter. I am pretty terrified to have another c-section. We are praying he stays right on track and doesn’t end up too big so that I can have a Vbac . I’m so sorry you had to experience that. I know exactly how you feel and it didn’t help any that my appendix went bad and TWO WEEKS pp I had to have it removed and then five months pp I had to have my gallbladder removed. The way you described your experience is exactly how I describe mine.
07.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
It actually feels good to know I’m not alone. Did you get over it? Did you seek counseling? How do you deal? How do you trust again?
07.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
@trishanickerson, I did counseling and it helped me a lot.
07.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
I don’t have much advice but I’d say you might benefit from some counselling xx
07.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
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