I’m an idiot I looked up home remedies for sinus infections and of course it says if left untreated it goes to the head 🙄🙄🙄🙄 now I’m scared to sleep ! But I have no extreme symptoms thank god !
I get them here and there an don't always go to doctors for them. For the most part they can clear on their own. But I think it depends how bad it's is and if it bacteria or viral. Also how long you have had it for matters
I'm going back to my ears nose and throat surgeon tomorrow I had sinus surgery 2wks ago and hoping I dont have blood poisoning been sick 8 days now antibiotics aren't working. So yea...things can turn.
Oh no that’s horrible ! I’ve been taking some medication using nasal spray blowing my nose constantly it seems to help somewhat but the pressure is what’s bugging me . I don’t have pain though or a fever