Teacher and principal mamas, I need help!! Ive been working at the same school for 13 years and have an interview at a really great local district. I’m not sure what types of questions I should have ready or what kinds of questions they’ll ask me. Also, what should I wear? A friend who is a principal said more professional than regular teaching attire. What does that mean? Slacks and a blazer or a dress suit?

Any advice from someone familiar with the process would be incredibly helpful!

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Hey! I’ve been on a lot of interview committees over the past few years. Definitely dress more professional. Slacks and a blazer would be perfect! You’re most likely going to be asked about how you differentiate your instruction (don’t forget to mention what you do for the high kids!), a typical literacy lesson, experience with PLCs, and your classroom management style. Find out if the school is a PBIS school or has another behavior management program because that would be important to include in your response to the classroom management question. See if the district has any big initiatives right now so you can speak to those if you have experience. The big push in my district is personalized learning so if a candidate mentioned experience with PL then that would reflect highly on them.

Good luck! What grade?
26.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thanks ek! I teach first but the interview is for elementary jobs district wide. Those initiatives sound a lot like what my current school is like except for PL. I’ll brush up on answers.

I interviewed twice two years ago in different area districts. The area I’m in has tons of districts and is extremely competitive. My husband was childhood friends with a principal in the district I’m interviewing in which is most likely the reason I got it.
26.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
^ Lots of good suggestions.
26.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
I’m probably not going to be much help seeing as I’ve been teaching at the same school for 14 years, but I wish you luck!
What position or grade level are you applying for? Elementary? Middle? High?
26.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thanks! I teach first grade but the job posting was for various elementary positions district wide.
26.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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