nancy sims
nancy sims
I’m not very political BUT free or affordable daycare should be something talked about more. All I keep hearing is free college tuition which is cool, I’m a student I get it. But I’m also a mother and about to be a mother of 2 and I have to work to provide for my children and tbh idk what I’m going to do once my little girl is here. There’s no way my husband and I can afford daycare for both our children, we can barely afford it now with just one. In fact, child care expenses are way more than my college tuition. Just a thought...

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I’m still (15 years later) paying off student loans and have about 5 years left. College tuition is high and student loans are often unavoidable. I can’t pay those loans if I don’t work. I don’t have the luxury of having the option to be a sahm or I would be. Because I have to work, I also need childcare.
23.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Yes! I went to a state school and walked out with 40k student loan debt. I surpassed that already in daycare cost with another 5 years starting in January. Cheaper daycare definitely outweighs cheaper college.
23.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Couldn’t agree more! I make a decent salary but daycare costs are outrageous. We’ve started looking for preschools and they’re just as bad when you need all day care because no ones work hours are conducive to preschool hours!
23.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
I’m a SAHM but if I were to put my kids in daycare it wouldn’t be the cheapest one bc if the workers aren’t really getting paid their worth, are they really going to watch my kids to the best of thing ability? Are my kids are going to get healthy snacks and a comfy place to nap? Are the workers going to be properly trained? I’d prefer free education bc that’s more on the child what they take in and learn.
23.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
In a perfect word there would be an easy way for everything. If I had to chose between free daycare and free college. I’d choose college anyday. I have friends with 400k worth of college debt. That’s crazy pants.
23.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
I completely agree with you. My husband to be makes more than a comfortable living and I do as well when I am working. Before my daughter started public preschool I was paying $1400/month for a 3 year old 🙄. Reform isn't coming any time soon so people will just have to consider it before they have a child or more children which is so unfortunate.
23.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
It would be nice if colleges offered free day care.

I think some have day care but it’s probably in your fees.
23.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
That's the reason why I'm a sahm
23.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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