Mom of soon to be 3!
Mom of soon to be 3!
I was in L & D on Sunday as I was passing a gall stone and basically praying to die 🙊 while I was in there baby’s heart rate jumped up to 215-230 for about an hour. Almost needed an emergency c-section had it continued another hour. At my prenatal apt on Tuesday they claimed it was an adrenaline rush (even though my pulse was only 99 and I was able to talk to the nurses and function normally). At prenatal the baby’s heart rate was 180 then 160, so they sent me for an nst and her heart rate stayed around 140-150. My question is anyone have any experience with baby’s heart rate being so high? I’m not sure I agree with the adrenaline rush theory and makes me wonder how many times a day her heart rate is spiking like this.. they may not be concerned but I’m freaking out..

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I haven't experienced this but definitely know the feeling of freaking out despite everyone telling you everything is fine. As to the adrenaline rush theory, could be! Your body is much bigger and more adept at handling extra adrenaline. Might be that baby just couldn't handle it as well as you did
14.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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