My 2 year old had a bad diaper rash on her vagina. Took her to the doctor they gave her Nystatin. It doesn’t work she keep scratching down there to the point it’s bleeding. Doctor said no infection. I used A&D and still nothing. I don’t know what else to do. My baby in so much pain 😫

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My daughter had a really bad rash. To a point where her skin was raw 😓 Definitely keep applying diaper ointment. We used Desitin Maximum Strenght and Triple Paste Ointment.

In between diaper changes, i just put her in the bathtub and rinsed her with water instead of using wipes.

Not the most ideal, but it cleared up within a few days. We stayed home as she was healing, just so i can keep rinsing her with water, instead of using wipes.

I also changed her diaper often and made sure she wasnt sitting in a soiled diaper for that long.
03.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Mix warm water & baking soda mixed together to make a paste ! It worked WONDERS when my daughter had it . My oldest had it soooo bad I took her to the hospital cause it just kept getting worse & the doctor wouldn’t do anything else but keep prescribing her the Same cream when it wasn’t helping her . But even the hospitals paste wasn’t working .. I was getting scared cause I had no answers or help & didn’t know what to do & she was in so much pain😢 but my MIL came over & told me to try that, she used it on her kids & it always worked . I didn’t believe her especially when all these medically prescribed creams didn’t help . But literally the second I put it on her, she calmed down & was totally cool like it didn’t even bother her at all . & within two days it was almost completely gone !
03.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Btw, turned out the reason behind the bad diaper rash was because she can’t have apple juice because of how acidic it makes her urine . She can’t even a cup of it or it will do it . Now she can have a glass sometimes cause it helps keep her regular & she’s not in diapers so she won’t get diaper rash now from it . But at that time she LOVED juice & we let her have a sippy cup of it every other day without realizing that was causing her problems . I obviously felt worse because I felt like it was all my fault but really there wasn’t any way to know . It was always watered down like the doctor & everyone else told us to do when giving her juice, she just couldn’t handle it . My second child, never had a problem with juice at all .
03.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
@xo.mama_ashh.xo, I think that’s the problem. My baby love juice
04.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
@zakiyyah, maybe try cutting out the juice & see if it helps any .
04.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Oatmeal bath might help
03.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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