Moms who have potty trained their children, what did you do with daughters? Because mine gets the concept.. I’m on and off when it comes to training her so it’s mine and her fathers fault but today for example 5 accidents AFTER I attempt to get her to use the potty. She has gotten up to poop in it before and she has ran to it to pee so I know she knows, but today for some reason idk..

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Offer rewards every time she uses the potty. But she just may not be ready. She’s very young still, so keep trying. Is she in underwear? If not, then I’d suggest putting her in underwear when she’s at home. Pull-ups only for the car and for sleeping.
28.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
She’ll be 3 in October so I feel like now is a good time to show her, yes she has underwear.. she’s gone potty in her toilet before.. and was doing great, but now that I’m trying to train her again she’s refusing
28.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
@cguexo, my daughter has an October birthday too. We started her in underwear at 2.5 and she caught on immediately but then went thru a huge regression at 3. Then her brother was born at 3.5 and she became very defiant and refused to use the toilet even though she clearly knew how. She held it while sitting on the toilet then deliberately peed in her pants 😩 So it wasn’t until closer to 4 that she finally stopped having “accidents” and was totally potty trained. It’s a process.
28.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
@2sweetie, this made me feel so much better . Thank you so much
28.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
Idk about training a little girl, when I was training my son I was very persistent at first he would go every 20 minutes make sure you get her rewards if you want to get fancy a potty chart is great motivation
27.03.2019 Нравится Ответить
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