Sometimes i feel like giving up and not trying no more 😔 my last period was feb 14 and i was late already this month im like finally im pregnant but nope just start it spotting. This is so overwhelming.
I remember that feeling. I can’t tell you how many times I would cry when my period would start. If you haven’t already talked to your doctor about testing see if there is something stopping you from getting pregnant again.
My husband did a sperm count it was a little low but she said nothing that will stop us is because of his thyroid problems and i was ok she said i have a small cyst but nothing to worry about.
That’s how I was with my first. My infertility doctor told me. Very firmly that sex should be enjoyable and it’s not a job. He told me that he wanted me to relax and not think about it for a month or two. I got pregnant after a month.
I have two oldest one now but my husband wants a baby. I had a miscarriage oct 2017. So im not sure whats the issue now. I been not using any thing for 4 years now and it does not happen.