Lately, my daughter has been refusing her meals after a couple of bits. Have any of you experienced this with your children at this age?
It’s getting difficult to make sure she’s getting enough nutrients.
Very normal for that age. When looking at their diet, you need to view it as a weekly diet instead of a daily diet. They’ll eat when they’re hungry. Just keep offering!
Yes I literally get so frustrated with my son because he doesn’t like to eat 😩😩 I try everything he only likes Cheetos which is crazy that’s not food that’s junk food!
Mine loves breakfast foods. Pancakes with fruits mostly. But nothing else out of that. The “look, mommy is eating this yummy food you should try it” trick isn’t working anymore. Does your son seem ok eating less than usual?
@cafebustelo yeah, when he was a baby/newborn he was always hungry once he became a toddler it’s like I can’t get him to try anything or eat anything 😣