I still rock my 18 month old to sleep. He will put himself to sleep if I let him stay up but even then when hes really tired he will still climb in my arms and I love it. Idc, my oldest wasnt very independent until he was 3 so itll be the same w this little guy.
LOVE THIS! I still rock my baby to sleep most nights, sometimes he goes out on his own while just laying down. But more often than not he just wants to be held and I love our nighttime routine.. he’ll independent sleep when he’s ready, but for now he still needs mommy and it’s the best feeling ❤️
24.02.2019 Нравится Ответить
PREACH. It bugs me so much how much people pushed letting my son cry to sleep or trying to force me not to sleep with him. I understand some people can’t because they sleep way too heavily, but it’s literally one of the most natural things, especially with a newborn.