So almost every night I only get like 2-3 hours of sleep. Because for some reason my 2&3 year old thinks it’s normal to be up all night long and go to bed at 8am sometimes 12 noon. So today I decided to take advantage of them being sleep this afternoon. And cleaned up and got dinner on all before 5 and before their dad came home. So I expected him to walk in like damn it smells good in here!!
But noooo he didn’t say shit!! So that instantly pissed me off.
Am I wrong??
I don’t feel like I am!!
All I wanted was some appreciation!!
A kiss would have even made my day!!
I understand that I at home all day, but what he don’t understand is what goes on at home when he’s not here. Everything seems all calm cool and collected when you get here because I have already been through hell and back with these two little humans (because at this point they not my sweet little babies). So they wore out, I’m tired 😓 just want to run away to Walmart!! ( walmart is where I go when I get to stressed and dollar tree too). So they don’t give you a hard time because they have nothing left to dish out they gave it all to me!!!
Whatever I’m just venting a little 😒😒