So I saw my OB and she said that I should take 3 months of birth control to try and get my cycle back on track after getting my nexplanon removed. Has anyone else done this? Has it worked for anyone else?
I did ! After my daughter I got my
First period 6w pp and then I didn’t get it for three months got it and then didn’t get it again for two months . Talked to
My OB and went on low dose birth control pills ( it was Junel I think) and I only used one pack and my cycle came back
I did vitex .
I got pregnant right after getting nexplanon out and had a miscarriage.
To get regular periods again I took vitex (chasteberry). It’s a organic and it was my second time using it to get my period on track again
First period 6w pp and then I didn’t get it for three months got it and then didn’t get it again for two months . Talked to
My OB and went on low dose birth control pills ( it was Junel I think) and I only used one pack and my cycle came back