Every time I try to study, My daughter throws a huge fit. I’m so fed up. Its been days since I last got the chance... Guess I’ll have to do what I don’t want to have to do, which is give up my nightly routine and lose sleep every night because doing anything for myself during the day is just impossible... It aggravates me that people at home don’t view the process of taking care of a child as a lot of work either. Just because I am at home doesn’t mean that my days aren’t as stressful. Being a stay at home parent is also a job and one that I would not apply to.. Don’t get me wrong, I love my daughter and I love being a parent but I’m not cut out for this ‘stay at home’ position. Some people love it, but this is something I never wanted for myself. I want to be able work and to contribute financially. I want to be able to provide for my daughter as well as for myself. If only daycare was more reliable for toddlers who can’t speak for themselves and nannies weren’t so damn expensive... This wait to be able to do anything for myself has seem so drawn out. Studying software and hardware for an internship this August... These next few months are going to be hell.
Rant over.