Rebekah Richardson
Rebekah Richardson

Should I Stay After My Husband's Betrayal?

I found out my husband slept with another woman and continued a casual sexting relationship over the next 3 months or so. I had originally found texts on his phone and confronted him. He insisted that they were just friends and the texts seemed innocent. Over that 3 months I was asking him to stop talking to her and he continued to insist they were just friends. I spent the end of my pregnancy crying and stressed that we were going to get a divorce because I could tell something was wrong. I spent weeks after having my baby with post partum depression and anxiety just crying and asking him to work with me to fix things. I asked for him to go to marriage counseling and he said no. He spent so much time convincing me they were just friends and that I was being paranoid. I feel so hurt and angry. Of course now he suddenly feels bad and wants to fix things. I don’t know where to go from here. He supports me fully and I live in a different state away from anyone I know. I don’t know if I want to make things work or not. I could really use some encouragement or good thoughts.

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@youngbutwisemomma you can message me mama. I think I can help you sort this out. ❤
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
I’m sorry that happened to you. It kind of sounds like he’s only sorry because he got caught. Especially considering he wasn’t willing to work on your marriage before that point. Just take your time to process everything and plan your next step - whether that’s staying or leaving. Maybe ask him to go stay with a friend for a bit? That will give you some time to think about things.
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
I believe if he is good to you you guys do love each other it’s worth it to try to save the marriage. It’ll only work if you can fully forgive him and learn to trust him again. We as humans make mistakes and are weak at time. If this is the first and only time he’s done this he might have learned his lesson. If he does it again I will call quits ASAP. I know a lot of people disagree with me but I believe every marriage is worth working on if there’s no abuse of any kind. People make mistakes. If marriage was easy the divorce rate wouldn’t. be so high.
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
It’s all really hard to hear but really good too. I needed all of it so thank you all. I’ll take my time figuring out what to do from now. Thank you all so much.
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Stay strong.
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
My ex husband did something hard as it was I had to leave. He was gaslighting you and making you feel like you were wrong when the whole time your gut was right. It's one thing for him to admit his faults right away and different the fact that he is only admitting it now. Start getting all your ducks in a row now. Don't be caught off guard if he decides he wants to leave. Stay for now but create boundaries and insist on marriage counseling asap. If not then you can be two co habitating adults that are raising your child until you can find a new place to live. Please don't be one of those women that stays just because he pays. You need to set a good example for your children. You wouldn't want your sons doing this to the mother of their children one day
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
I literally want to cry for you mamas. That’s excruciatingly painful.. I can’t even imagine. I am SO sorry. You don’t deserve any of that.. cheating is the absolute worst and add in pregnancy/a new baby/PPD/lying takes it to a whole new low. Leave his lying cheating ass. You deserve sooo much better, you deserve the world and beyond.. not someone that’s going to treat you like an option or someone that’s stupid and easily fooled. You, your babies, peace of mind, heart and feelings all come first. I wish you the best and I’ll pray for you. Take time to yourself to think, to be in your own thoughts, put you and the babies first and then come up with your decision. But don’t think you deserve to settle for that, you don’t have to and you shouldn’t. That is so low of him, so scummy and disrespectful to not only you but the child you two have and the one you were carrying while he did such things. Bless you love 😪❤️
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Know your worth mama, dont settle. It seems he only cares because he got caught. If you decide to stay, the choice is yours and I wish you the best.
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
You don’t deserve this. He cheated, repeatedly lied to you, and you gave him multiple chances to tell you the truth, and he chose not to. He made his bad choices so now it’s your turn to make a choice either leave and try to find someone new who values, respects, and loves you enough not to hurt you this way or to stay and try to work things out, and try to forgive the awful things that he done, and try to learn to trust him again. It’s 100% up to you don’t let him pressure you into a choice take some time away from him go visit family where ever they maybe and get away for awhile, and take the time to think because you deserve to think about this, and he needs to respect that, and give you time.
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Put yourself and your feelings first. He not only broke you down emotionally, he broke you down mentally and while you were pregnant and after birth suffering from depression. You tried, that's all that counts. You tried and he turned you down.
In my personal opinion he only cares because he got caught. He only wants to work it out cause he knows there's a part of you that would leave him. He lied for months. Continued this for months.

You deserve better. You deserve trust. You deserve respect. You deserve to be happy and not broken down in a time of need.

I think you should leave, but that is my opinion and it is ultimately your decision. Wishing the best for you. 💗
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
for him to continue to tell you they were just friends, to continue to LIE to your face while you're bearing his child is so.. disrespectful. and he wants to work it out after he finally got caught? you and your kids deserve better than someone like that. so much better. I would not make things work with him, he obviously has his head in other places and doesn't have his priorities straight! why don't y'all live together? Try looking up some help for single mothers, local hospitals sometimes have programs, women's shelters, I hope you find the answers you're looking for and i hope you leave his ungrateful ass. 😓❤️
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Sometimes our greatest blessings come from within our hardest storms. Forgiveness and second chances can bring you great joy and a stronger marriage after the hurdle has been overcome. I am so sorry that he chose to make such a decision. I am also sorry there are women out there who will enter into such a situation with a married/committed man. Pray on this and ask the Lord to heal your heart, guide you, and give you the ability to forgive. Pray He gives your husband a new heart and new beginning. It won't be easy but you can overcome this together if you choose to. Remember, love is not just a feeling, it is a decision. Just as he made a poor decision, you both now have the opportunity to work on things to make a better decision and to at least try. If after trying with your best efforts together it doesn't work at least of the time come you must walk away you'll be able to look your babies in their eyes and tell you did your best. I'm sorry for the hurt you are going through and pray the Lord gives you and your husband the ability to overcome this and heal from it. God bless you.
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
In my opinion if my boyfriend ever cheats on me that’s crossing the line and I can never forgive him for that even if he apologized and wants to fix things because if they did it once they can always do it again I would lose all my trust on them especially if he slept with another women that’s wrong to me and you deserve someone who would never do that to you and would respect you he disrespected you and you should be disrespected
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
30.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
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